- Publicado: 21 Febrero 2014
Sebastian Kripfganz is a Senior Lecturer in Econometrics at the University of Exeter Business School (United Kingdom). His publications include academic peer-reviewed articles on econometrics in the Journal of Applied Econometrics, the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Economics Letters, Econometrics and Statistics, and the Stata Journal. His research interests center around the estimation and inference in dynamic models, with a special focus on dynamic panel data analysis. Much of Sebastian's research is driven by the desire to provide guidance to applied researchers, and it is often accompanied by the implementation of econometric methods as flexible add-ons for the statistical software package Stata. He regularly presents his work at academic conferences, including a keynote presentation at the UK Stata Conference. Sebastian has multiple years of experience teaching econometrics, and he received several invitations to deliver short lectures on panel data methods. You can check Sebastian's profile on his personal webpage: https://www.kripfganz.de