- Publicado: 19 Marzo 2015

Meike Ahrends Universita?t Hamburg (Germany)
The course "Advanced Dynamic Panel Data Methods" was a course of three days. It was extremely well organized and the course had a very useful structure. We had a great lecturer who knew how to include plenty of applicatory examples in his lectures in order to give us a complete understanding of the advanced panel data models. Since attending this course I was able to apply some of the models in my own study and give my research a stronger focus. I had a great time in Salamanca and can only recommend attending the research methods courses.

Sushil Sainani University of Liverpool (United Kingdom)
As a former participant in the "Advanced dynamic panel data methods" course, I would recommend it to anyone who has a strong understanding of GMM estimators and want to further broaden their knowledge. The course was supported with some examples demonstrating its implementation in STATA. It suits best to experienced researchers working with dynamic panel data models.
Overall, what a positive surprise this course proved to be! It was an opportunity to meet international researchers indulging in discussion on current research projects and experiencing the culture, food, evening ambience at Plaza Mayor and architecture of Salamanca. All together was totally worth it. The course is filled with valuable information and you will learn everything you need to know about static and dynamic panel data models.

Marc Steffen Rapp Philipps-Universita?t Marburg (Germany)
Attending the 2014 Panel Data Course (Advanced Dynamic Panel Data Methods) was a very stimulating experience: Meeting with researchers from around the world in the beautiful city of Salamanca, in order to be guided rigorously through the interesting but challenging topics of dynamic panel data analysis. The course consisted of morning lectures, which allow the participants to directly apply their new knowledge to their individual projects in the afternoon and to ask questions the next morning.
I warmly recommend the course to researchers with solid econometrics knowledge and interested in dynamic panel data methods.
The instructor is a highly?recognized expert in the field, the course is well structured and perfectly organized, application is simple and Salamanca is always worth a visit.