- Publicado: 20 Febrero 2014

- Requejo, I., Reyes-Reina, F., Sanchez-Bueno, M.J. and Suárez-González, I.: Award for Best Inspirational Paper / Proposal (2nd Place) at 3rd International Family Business Research Forum, which took place between the 20th and the 23rd of September 2017 in Vienna (Austria), for the paper “International mergers and acquisitions in family firms: Bridging the institutional perspective with the SEW perspective”.
- Requejo, I., Reyes-Reina, F., Sanchez-Bueno, M.J. and Suárez-González, I.: Award for Best Paper (Strategy Chapter) at XXVII ACEDE Conference, which took place between the 18th and the 20th of June 2017 in Aranjuez (Spain), for the paper “European Family Firms and M&A Behavior: The Role of Firm Heterogeneity and the Legal Context”.
- Requejo, I., Reyes-Reina, F., Sanchez-Bueno, M.J. and Suárez-González, I.: Award for Best Paper at XVIII Seminario Luso-Español de Economía Empresarial (SLEEE), which took place on the 10th and 11th of November 2016 in Salamanca (Spain), for the paper “European Family Firms and M&A Behavior: What Is the Moderating Role of Family Heterogeneity and the Institutional Context?”
- Lozano, B.; Martinez, B. and Pindado, J.: Ifera Best Conference Paper Award at the 13th Annual IFERA Conference, which took place between the 2nd and the 5th of July 2013 in St. Gallen (Switzerland), for the paper “Drivers of the effect of the main shareholder on firm value: The case of young family-owned businesses”
- Requejo, I.: 2011 Best Doctoral Dissertation Award sponsored by the Family Firm Institute (FFI) and Relative Solutions and awarded at the 2011 FFI Annual Conference held in Boston (US) for the thesis entitled “Corporate Governance in Family Firms: Effects of Family Control on Firm Value and Corporate Financial Decisions”
- Pindado, J., Requejo I. and de la Torre, C.: “GEEF” Best Policy-oriented Research Paper Award at the 10th Annual IFERA Conference, which took place between the 6th and the 9th of July 2010 in Lancaster (UK), for the paper “Family control and the investment–cash flow sensitivity: Empirical evidence from the Euro zone”
- Pindado, J., Requejo I. and de la Torre, C.: “University of Alberta” Best Family Business Research Paper Award at the 8th Annual IFERA Conference, which took place between the 2nd and the 5th of July 2008 in Breukelen (The Netherlands), for the paper “Ownership concentration and firm value: Evidence from Western European family firms”
- Requejo, I.: Award for the Best Paper presented at the I International Accounting & Finance Doctoral Symposium, which took place on the 16th and 17th of April 2008 in Prato (Italy), for the paper “The effect of family control on corporate performance”.
- Pindado, J. and de la Torre, C.: Award for the Best Paper published in the European Financial Management Journal in 2006 for the paper “The Role of Investment, Financing and Dividend Decisions in Explaining Corporate Ownership Structure: Empirical Evidence from Spain”.
- Pindado, J. and Rodrigues, L.: Award for the Best Paper published in the Financial Markets and Portfolio Management Journal in 2005 for the paper “Determinants of financial distress costs”.