- Publicado: 20 Febrero 2014
Lesson 1. Estimation Methods: Endogeneity and Instrumental Variables
- Data Structures
- Role of Conditional Expectations in Econometrics 1.3. Linear Regression Framework
- The Endogeneity Problem: Sources and Responses 1.5. Instrumental Variables Estimation
- Generalized Method of Moments
Lesson 2. Introduction and Linear Static Models for Panel Data
- Characterizing Panel Data Methods
- Advantages and Limitations of Panel Data
- Why is the Panel Data Methodology Needed?
- Fixed Effects Models
- Random Effects Models
- Fixed Effects Models versus Random Effects Models
- 2.7. Limitations of Linear Static Panel Data
Lesson 3. Linear Dynamic Models for Panel Data
- Autoregressive Models
- Models with Endogenous Variables
- Models with Predetermined Variables 3.4. Models with Strictly Exogenous Variables 3.5. System GMM
- System GMM for Autoregressive Models
- System GMM for Models with Predetermined Variables 3.6. Specification Tests
- Testing for Residual Serial Correlation
- Testing for Overidentifying Restrictions
- Incremental Sargan Tests
Lesson 4. Nonlinear Panel Data Models
- Introduction to Discrete Response Models
- Fixed Effects Logit
- Random Effects Logit
- Censored Regression Models
Lesson 5. Introduction to Data Management with Stata
- Basic Concepts
- Format and Content of Data Files
- Data Management
- Stata Work Environment: Do Files and Output Files
- Joining Data
Lesson 6. Managing Variables for Research
- Types of Variables: Storage and Displaying Format
- Management of Variables
- Descriptive Analysis
- Creating Variables for Research
Lesson 7. Advanced Operations with Stata
- Using Matrices
- Advanced Commands
- Error Messages
- Online Help
Lesson 8. Model Estimation with Stata
- Introduction to Model Estimation with Stata
- Estimation of Linear Static Models for Panel Data
- Estimation of Linear Dynamic Models for Panel Data
- The Difference GMM Estimator
- The System GMM Estimator
- Estimation of Nonlinear Panel Data Models
Lesson 9. Panel Data in Action
- Improving Previous Models
- Implementing New Research Strategies
- Panel Data and Publication
- How to Justify the Estimator Choice: Comparison between Estimators
- Which is the Most Important Factor?
- Dealing with the Instruments Choice
- Controlling Instruments in the Difference GMM Estimator
- Collapsing the Instrument Matrix
- Controlling Instruments in the System GMM Estimator
- Controlling for the Weighting Matrix
- Dealing with the Specification of the Model
- Testing for the Explanatory Power of the Variables
- Testing for Residual Serial Correlation
- Looking for Good Instruments
- Testing for the Relevancy Condition
- Testing for the Exogeneity of the Instruments
Lesson 10. Efficient Research Process by Using Panel Data and Stata: A Case Analysis
- Collecting the Data
- Joining the Data
- Constructing Variables
- Constructing Variables by Using Estimation Results
- Panel Data Structure and Variable Analysis
- Estimation of the Model
- Dealing with New Ideas