Julio Pindado is Professor of Accounting and Finance at Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) and Professorial Fellow of Accounting and Finance at the Division of Accounting and Finance at Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds (UK). He has published academic peer-reviewed articles on corporate finance and governance in several top journals ranked with a high impact factor in the Journal Citation Report, such as the Strategic Management Journal, Financial Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance: An International Review. Prof. Pindado is Advisory Editor of Frontiers in Finance and Economics, serves as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance and Review of Behavioral Finance. Additionally, Prof. Pindado has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the European Financial Management Association (2003-2005). He has also served as instructor at the 2004 and 2007 “Merton H. Miller” Doctoral Seminar, organized by Prof. John Doukas, managing editor of European Financial Management. Prof. Pindado has also been Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Finance and Accounting at the London Business School.
E-mail: pindado@usal.es
Web: http://diarium.usal.es/pindado/
Ignacio Requejo is Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Salamanca (Spain). He holds a PhD degree in Business Economics with a “European Distinction” from this university. During his doctoral studies, he stayed at Saïd Business School (University of Oxford) as a Visiting Doctoral Student and at the Centre for Corporate Governance at London Business School (University of London) as a Visiting Research Assistant. Ignacio’s thesis on family firms was awarded the 2011 Best Doctoral Dissertation Award sponsored by the Family Firm Institute (FFI) and Relative Solutions. After completing his PhD, he has also visited other institutions, including the University of Strathclyde (UK), Technische Universität München (Germany), and Universität Hamburg (Germany). His work has been published in top finance and governance journals, including the Journal of Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Empirical Finance, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and Journal of International Business Studies. He has presented several papers in which the panel data methodology is used in numerous international conferences, including the Financial Management Association (FMA) International Annual Meeting, the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Annual Conference, the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), and the Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference. Ignacio has been a member of the editorial boards of JCR journals with a high-impact factor, including Journal of Small Business Management, BRQ-Business Research Quarterly, and International Journal of Management Reviews.
E-mail: irequejo@usal.es
Web: https://diarium.usal.es/irequejo/